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Beginner's Guide: How to Taste Coffee at Home

The big day has arrived and you are ready to enjoy our Porte Specialty Coffee.

Follow the advice that we propose below so that in five simple steps you can discover at home all the aromas and fragrances that characterize our Specialty Coffee.

cata de café coffee tasting

Before starting the preparation, it is convenient to grind the amount of coffee that is going to be used. For this, there are countless models and references of coffee grinders and we are not going to recommend any particular brand, but if the budget allows it, we recommend one that has conical grinding wheels (instead of propeller-type models). Both models work and do their job, but if you have to choose, the conical ones are better.

  • Preparation

Regardless of the type of extraction you are going to use (Italian coffee maker / filter coffee maker / espresso ...) for our Geisha and Castillo varieties, we suggest using 10gr to 12g of ground coffee for every 120ml of water. If you like your coffee a little more loaded, we recommend adding about 3g - 4g as our varieties are soft.

  • Olfactory tasting

When the coffee is ready, stir it and then pour it into the cup. Keep in mind that the most subtle aromas are the most volatile, so you will have a maximum of 10 min after preparing for the olfactory tasting by briefly inhaling 2-3 times over the cup. You can repeat this process, but be careful not to overwhelm the olfactory sense.

Did you know...?

Of the almost 2,000 components that participate in the creation of the aroma, the coffee experts have only managed to identify about 800 !! For this reason, the smell of coffee has never been reproduced.

  • Tasting

Before tasting it, stir the coffee again with a teaspoon so that the aromas are aligned. A coffee that is too hot can hide certain nuances, so it is best to let it cool for a moment before savoring it.

To enjoy all the aromas of coffee, avoid eating spicy food and some flavors such as anise, mint or liqueur as they can also hide its flavor.

To avoid saturating the palate, swallow small amounts by sipping to get a little oxygen. Stir the coffee into your mouth for 5-10 seconds before swallowing. In this way, all corners of the tongue and palate will be able to

detect the intensity of the different aromas.

Feel free to try it several times as it cools, as this will reveal aromas that may be initially hidden by the heat.

Our varieties reveal floral notes as well as fruity notes of orange, sugar cane and chocolate. When tasting it, you will be able to verify that it has body, balance, velvety notes and an intense and smooth flavor on the palate.

  • To consider

We recommend that you do the tasting without sugar or milk, because these reduce the intensity of some aromas.

  • Last details

The first sip will always be bitter. This is so. Don't worry, it's a matter of getting used to the palate. You will see that after the second sip, it is another story.

When you finish drinking the coffee, the experience does not end because a flavor remains on our palate that lasts, which is what we call aftertaste (it is the "breath" that returns to us retronasal).

In our coffees you can perceive an aftertaste similar to that of cocoa at the end of the tasting and sometimes you can notice aromas such as caramel, maple, toast or memories of dried fruits, such as walnuts or almonds.

Tell us how your experience has been and tell us what aromas you have perceived!


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