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Writer's pictureCafé Porte

What does it mean to be ECOfriendly?

It is useless to do our best during all the processes from the origin to the roasting of the selected coffee beans, if we do not take the same care in choosing the packaging. Nowadays, it is no longer enough for the design to be "pretty". After years and years of many advertising campaigns, we have managed to make more and more people aware of the need to be respectful with the environment. As an internationally known clothing brand says, There is no planet B.

To be ecologically conscious we must understand and be aware above all of the fragility of our environment. Once we have assumed it, we must do everything possible to protect it from the harm that we ourselves, as a society and individually, cause it.

It is thanks to this awareness that they begin to look for ways to manufacture and promote the consumption of ecological packaging. Social concern for the deterioration of the natural environment, climate change or high volumes of waste have been the real drivers for the research and creation of new ecological, biodegradable and compostable packaging.

Now more than ever, it is the ideal time to go green, or rather, to adopt ecofriendly measures.

Ecological labeling

From the 70s, what was known as ecological marketing began to take shape, with the introduction of ecological labels.

The truth is that there are a lot of them as well as environmental seals, but do we really know what an ecological label is, what it is for and how it is certified?

What began being promoted by non-governmental organizations, today is legislated by several governments worldwide.

Some labels qualify how much a food container contaminates, if they respect the environment throughout their production chain, others identify if they come from sustainable forests, if they are made from palm leaves, bamboo ... etc.

Let's see some of the most common on the market.

AENOR It shows that the company has implemented a system that is effective for environmental management and that it is committed to caring for the environment.

Agricultura Ecológica en Europa (Organic Farming in Europe) It is a logo regulated by the European Commission, which states that at least 95% of the ingredients are organic, that it complies with the provisions of the official control system and that it comes directly from the producer or processor.

CAAE (Ecological Agriculture in Spain) It is a stamp of Spain that usually goes together with a European certification and is usually used to indicate shelves with ecological products in large surfaces.

Cradle to Cradle The C2C seal, Cradle to Cradle "from cradle to cradle" is awarded to sustainable products that use safe and healthy materials for the environment, implement the reuse of materials with the aim of minimizing waste, use renewable energy, make efficient and responsible use of water and implement social responsibility strategies.

DEMETER It is a more specific seal, since it is for products that come from biodynamic agriculture, which has as a priority to return to the earth more than we extract.

DIN CERTCO It is a European label issued by the German agency, Din Certco, which is equivalent to the European standard EN 13432 and which concerns biodegradability and Compostability.

PEFC It is the most widely implemented forest certification system in the world, which aims to ensure that the world's forests are managed responsibly.

USDA Organic Organic Certification according to the Standards of the National Organic Program of the (United States Department of Agriculture - USDA). This certification applies to all stages of production, processing, distribution, control and labeling of products from agriculture to be marketed as organic, for human and animal consumption, less aquaculture. It also applies to products such as cosmetics and textiles.

We leave you the following video titled One Earth, an environmental short film created and edited by Romain Pennes to help raise awareness about us humans and how our activities strongly impact our environment and participate in climate change. It depends on us. No one else's.


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